Argument Types

The arguments to the built-in functions can be divided into three groups: register numbers, compile-time constants and run-time values. In order to make this classification clear at a glance, the arguments and return values are given the following pseudo types:

Pseudo typeReal C typeConstant?Description
uhunsigned shortNoan unsigned halfword
uw1unsigned intNoan unsigned word
sw1intNoa signed word
uw2unsigned long longNoan unsigned doubleword
sw2long longNoa signed doubleword
constintYesan integer constant
accintYesan ACC register number
iaccintYesan IACC register number

These pseudo types are not defined by GCC, they are simply a notational convenience used in this manual.

Arguments of type uh, uw1, sw1, uw2 and sw2 are evaluated at run time. They correspond to register operands in the underlying FR-V instructions.

const arguments represent immediate operands in the underlying FR-V instructions. They must be compile-time constants.

acc arguments are evaluated at compile time and specify the number of an accumulator register. For example, an acc argument of 2 selects the ACC2 register.

iacc arguments are similar to acc arguments but specify the number of an IACC register. See see Other Built-in Functions for more details.