Getting Started

Getting Started #

The Wonderful toolchain can currently be installed on:

  • Linux
  • Windows (via MSYS2)

Once you’re done following this tutorial, feel free to install the necessary tools for the target of your choice by following the target-specific instructions. You may also want to visit our Discord server to chat with fellow Wonderful users - an IRC bridge may also be provided, if user demand exists.

Linux #

Requirements #

To install Wonderful on your computer, you will need:

  • a Linux distribution released sometime in the last decade (maybe a bit more),
  • a CPU architecture compatible with x86_64 or AArch64,
  • the following command-line tools provided by your distribution: bash, git, make.

Downloads #

Installation instructions #

  1. Create the /opt/wonderful directory: mkdir /opt/wonderful. Other installation locations are not supported at this time.
  2. Give permissions to /opt/wonderful to the correct user (f.e. chown -R [user] /opt/wonderful).
  3. Extract the bootstrap to /opt/wonderful (f.e. cd /opt/wonderful/ && tar xzvf [path_to_bootstrap_tar_gz]).
  4. Add /opt/wonderful/bin to PATH (f.e. export PATH=/opt/wonderful/bin:$PATH).
  5. Export WONDERFUL_TOOLCHAIN to point to /opt/wonderful (f.e. export WONDERFUL_TOOLCHAIN=/opt/wonderful).
  6. Run wf-pacman -Syu (no sudo - you don’t need root) to synchronize and update the toolchain’s package manager.

Troubleshooting #

  • If you run into error setting certificate file: /etc/ssl/certs/ca-certificates.crt while trying to use wf-pacman, you may need to install your distribution’s SSL certificates package (f.e. ca-certificates on Debian).

Windows (via MSYS2) #

Requirements #

To install Wonderful on your computer, you will need:

  • a recent version of Windows - Windows 10 and above are supported,
  • a CPU architecture compatible with x86_64.

Installation instructions (Installer) #

Required files:

  1. Install the MSYS2 environment.
  2. Install the Wonderful toolchain from the above installer. (If you’ve installed MSYS2 to a different directory than C:\msys64, adjust it in the Wonderful installer to match.)
  3. Run Wonderful Toolchain Shell from the Start menu.

This approach is a little experimental, so if it doesn’t work for you, feel free to try the Manual steps below.

Installation instructions (Manual) #

Required files:

  1. Install the MSYS2 environment.
  2. From the Start Menu, launch the MSYS UCRT64 shell. This shell is used to interact with the toolchain (make, wf-wswantool, etc).
  3. Install some useful packages: pacman -S base-devel ca-certificates.
  4. Create the /opt/wonderful directory: mkdir /opt/wonderful. Other installation locations are not supported at this time.
  5. Extract the bootstrap to /opt/wonderful (f.e. cd /opt/wonderful/ && tar xzvf [path_to_bootstrap_tar_gz]).
  6. Add /opt/wonderful/bin to PATH (f.e. export PATH=/opt/wonderful/bin:$PATH).
  7. Export WONDERFUL_TOOLCHAIN to point to /opt/wonderful (f.e. export WONDERFUL_TOOLCHAIN=/opt/wonderful). It is a good idea to add these exports to the end of ~/.profile - this way, they will be automatically applied every time you restart the shell.
  8. Run wf-pacman -Syu to synchronize and update the toolchain’s package manager.

Alternative: Windows (via WSL2) #

Since WSL2 is compatible with Linux, one can follow the Linux installation instructions to get Wonderful running on top of Windows this way.

  • If you run into error: could not open file: /etc/mtab: No such file or directory while trying to use wf-pacman, the following command can create the missing file: sudo ln -s /proc/self/mounts /etc/mtab

macOS #

Native macOS support is currently not available. For the time being, it is recommended to use a Linux virtual machine.